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The Rainy Path Drawing by Ali Baucom

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Comments (29)



GRAND perspective scene of trees + Road. + F..Ali Interesting title Just to add red leaves as seen can suitably be dried and recycled along with other thin Botanical ingredients(Before perishing) to create Eco- Friendly Art on the Bark Canvas of the Canary Palm trees. This Eco-Art renders the message:- Nurture.. Nature so that Nature will Nurture all of Us in the Future.

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Beautiful art! Voted your entry in the Masters November Rain contest. l/f

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Beautiful. L/F/P

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Anne Gifford

Anne Gifford

I like the patterns, the limited color palette, and the freedom of your painting style. like/f/vote

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Ann Brown

Ann Brown


Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Bentley Davis

Bentley Davis

Beautiful work Ali!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Lovely work ! l/f

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Wonderful work!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Luther Fine Art

Luther Fine Art

Congratulations! Your fantastic art has been featured on the Home Page of the ABC GROUP from the B IS FOR BRANCHES themed week, JUNE 8- JUNE 15, 2020. You are invited to add your wonderful art to the Features Archive Discussion in the ABC GROUP.

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

John M Bailey

John M Bailey

Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!" Sharing on Pinterest Board - Images That Excite You!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Kathy M Krause

Kathy M Krause

Congratulations on your sale Ali!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Kathleen Struckle

Kathleen Struckle

Congrats on your sale!!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Patty Donoghue

Patty Donoghue

very nice, congratulations. on this sale

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Brian Tada

Brian Tada

Beautiful work, Ali! Congratulations on your sale!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your sale of this wonderful artwork! Fl

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Elvira Peretsman

Elvira Peretsman

Congratulations on your sale!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Toni Abdnour

Toni Abdnour

Congratulations on your sale!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your sale!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Janna Saltmarsh

Janna Saltmarsh

Congrats on your sale!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Elisabeth Lucas

Elisabeth Lucas

Congratulations on your sale!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Ranim Asfahani

Ranim Asfahani

Nice work, Ali!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!



Ali, Congrats on your sale

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

College Mascot Designs

College Mascot Designs


Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Fon Denton

Fon Denton


Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Az Jackson

Az Jackson

Congratulations on your sale.

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

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The Rainy Path by Ali Baucom
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