Ozzy the PIgasus

by Ali Baucom
Ozzy the PIgasus
Ali Baucom
Painting - Watercolor And Ink On Paper
I decided to have a little fun with my first pig painting. The image is loosely based from a photo on Pixabay that I liked and then I changed it up a bit. Since you most likely won't see a flying pig anytime soon I thought it might be fun to change up the normal colors.
Did you ever wonder where the saying "When pigs fly" comes from? According to Wikipedia:
"When pigs fly" is an adynaton, a way of saying that something will never happen. The phrase is often used for humorous effect, to scoff at over-ambition. There are numerous variations on the theme; when an individual with a reputation for failure finally succeeds, onlookers may sarcastically claim to see a flying pig. ("Hey look! A flying pig!") [1] Other variations on the phrase include "And pigs will fly", this one in retort to an outlandish statement.
The idiom is apparently derived from a centuries-old Scottish proverb, though some other references to pigs flying or pigs with wings are more famous. At least one appears in the works of Lewis Carroll:
"Thinking again?" the Duchess asked, with another dig of her sharp little chin.
"I've a right to think," said Alice sharply, for she was beginning to feel a little worried.
"Just about as much right," said the Duchess, "as pigs have to fly...." — Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 9.
Pigasus was a flying pig character in the Oz books written by Ruth Plumly Thompson in the 1930s
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1. Music CD Cover Designs: 02/05/18
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5. Covid 19 Mask Group: 11/07/2020
October 24th, 2017