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Jacques Frost Snowman with Rosy cheeks and a Green Toboggan  Painting by Ali Baucom

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Comments (16)

Ramona Matei

Ramona Matei

This is just lovely! f/l

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Liesl Walsh

Liesl Walsh

Very cute! l/f

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Richard Bryce and Family

Richard Bryce and Family

So cute, Ali! L

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Meryl Goudey

Meryl Goudey

Marshmellow glee to ABC!

Ali Baucom replied:


David Griffith

David Griffith

Really cute . . . L

Ali Baucom replied:


Denise Harty

Denise Harty

What a fun piece! L/F

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Steve Henderson

Steve Henderson

A happy, whimsical image.

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Judi Dressler

Judi Dressler

Really cute! And I love your title, "Jacques" -- so much more cosmopolitan than "Jack" :)

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Cynthia Guinn

Cynthia Guinn

So cute! l/f/p

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Luther Fine Art

Luther Fine Art

So sweet!

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

ML McCormick

ML McCormick

Very nice!

Ali Baucom replied:


Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Unique and appealing! Lf

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Leif Sohlman

Leif Sohlman

Beautiful and cute painting of Jacques Frost Ali

Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

Eva Lechner

Eva Lechner


Ali Baucom replied:

Thank you!

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Jacques Frost Snowman with Rosy cheeks and a Green Toboggan  by Ali Baucom
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